Make America Sane Again
We all know that getting struck by a Thunderstorm is a once in a lifetime traumatic experience. People who experience this are probably scared every time they step their foot outside, let alone leaving their homes when there is raining outside. Imagine getting whiplashed by thunderstorms, hail, tornadoes, and other unimaginable horrors, every damn day. There is no better way to explain the normal life under Donald Trump in any other way. He constantly creates chaos, because he sincerely believes that “there is no such thing as bad publicity”. Let alone the emotional well-being of the nation, I don’t think he cares about the sanity of his owns staff and family.
I have to confess, the first few days of Trump’s presidency was fun. It felt like watching a clown run into a blazing fire, just to entertain the audience. Typical performers would try to protect themselves from getting burnt, but Trump has no such self-preservation instincts. He immolates himself by rage-tweeting like a crazy, drunken, racist uncle. He can tweet the most insensitive comment without any consequences because he thinks that “he can shoot a person on New York’s Fifth Avenue and not lose a single vote”. He might be right about the naive electorate that wants to believe in their “dear leader, anointed by God”. Frankly, he might not be incorrect about the tribal instincts of his cult-like followers. His followers support for reasons unknown, it’s possible that they genuinely like this chaos, or they are doing so just to protect their own ego. This is a mystery for the history books. However — what about the rest of the nation? The remaining 60% of the country that did not vote for him or the conscientious and introspective few who voted for Trump and regretted their votes? What about the GOP Congressmen and Senators — whom I assumed were moral, patriotic, and conscientious human beings, with families, and friends and did care for their sanity? If you haven’t been following or living under the rock the last four years of your life — the answer is simple; Trump does not give a damn about anybody else, but himself. He has a singular mission — to be on television 24 hours a day, and completely consume every minute of our lives. I can’t vouch for the rest of the nation, but personally — I have argued with friends over dinner parties, discussed politics fervently with my two kids every night, and befriended only the people that aligned with my political views. Varoon, my 16-year-old son, is now running the polititeen podcast instead of hanging out with his friends and playing basketball. I attribute some of this to our dinner table conversations, but most of this is because of the constant maelstrom emanating from the President Of The United States.
At our household, we were “Ridin’ with Biden” even before he announced his nomination. In fact, I got into trouble with local democrats in my county for my fervent support of his candidacy. Some of the local democrats wanted a more progressive candidate who can truly be an “Anti-Trump” — someone who can yell just as much, someone who can generate enthusiasm with their promises, and the like. I liked Biden because he was the exact opposite of Trump. He counteracts Trump’s reckless communication with meticulous diplomacy. Biden’s empathetic passion is the perfect antidote to Trump’s petulant narcissism. Above all, the Biden administration will revert back to an administration that works in the background, instead of creating constant chaos and drama to seek attention like Trump’s media machine. Biden’s empathy and self-introspection is something that one rarely sees in a politician. When asked about what his impression of the nation would be if he lost to Trump, Biden replied “Well, could say I’m a lousy candidate and I didn’t do a job,”
Biden answered when asked by ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos how he’d interpret a loss
“I hope, that it doesn’t say that we are racially, ethnically and religiously at odds with one another as it appears the president wants us to be,” This response shows the conscientious soul and the self-introspective nature that Biden has, which Trump can never fathom to emulate, even if he tried. Contrast Biden’s response to Trump’s response to his handling of the Coronavirus epidemic. President Donald Trump said on Monday that he and his administration have done a “phenomenal job” and deserve an “A+” for their handling of the coronavirus pandemic, despite the fact that nearly 225,000 Americans have died from the virus, the most deaths of any country.
I am looking forward to having peaceful dinners with my family talking about their school, friends, music, and movies.
I am longing for a gettogether with friends where we talk about everything but politics, not to avoid the subject, but because we don’t have to.
I am yearning for the day when we can all vote and Make America Sane Again.